- aging treatment
- старение
English-Russian architecture dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian architecture dictionary. 2015.
Aging (heat treatment) — Aging (heat treatment). См. Старение (термообработка). (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) … Словарь металлургических терминов
aging — ag·ing (āʹjĭng) n. 1. The process of growing old or maturing. 2. An artificial process for imparting the characteristics and properties of age. * * * Gradual change in an organism that leads to increased risk of weakness, disease, and death. It… … Universalium
Aging offender — An aging offender or an elderly offender in an individual over the age of 55 who breaks the law or is in prison. [Newman, Newman Gewirtz Is Special Treatment Needed For Elderly Offenders? p. 4] It is also a term than can refer to the concept of… … Wikipedia
aging — a change in the properties of certain metals and alloys that occurs at ambient or moderately elevated temperatures after hot working, heat treatment, or a cold working operation. strain aging … Mechanics glossary
aging — [1] The cracking, checking, or general deterioration produced by exposure of an adhesive, coating or sealer to the weather or some other given set of conditions for a length of time [2] The deterioration of rubber properties by oxidation over a… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Growth hormone treatment — Growth hormone (GH) is a protein hormone secreted by the pituitary gland which stimulates growth and cell reproduction. In the past growth hormone was extracted from human pituitary glands. GH is now produced by recombinant DNA technology, and… … Wikipedia
Memory and aging — One of the key concerns of older adults is the experience of memory loss, especially as it is one of the hallmark symptoms of Alzheimer s disease. However, memory loss is qualitatively different in normal aging from the kind of memory loss… … Wikipedia
Alliance for Aging Research — The Alliance for Aging Research is a not for profit, private organization based in Washington, D.C. The Alliance s mission is to advance scientific and medical discoveries to maximize healthy aging, independence and quality of life for older… … Wikipedia
Anti-Aging — Der Begriff Anti Aging, auch Altershemmung, ist eine Bezeichnung für Maßnahmen, die zum Ziel haben, das biologische Altern des Menschen hinauszuzögern, die Lebensqualität im Alter möglichst lange auf hohem Niveau zu erhalten und auch das Leben… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Anti-aging — addresses how to prevent, slow, or reverse the effects of aging and help people live longer, healthier, happier lives. It includes scientific research and applications in genetic engineering, tissue engineering, and other medical advances, e.g.,… … Wikipedia
Heat treatment — is a method used to alter the physical, and sometimes chemical, properties of a material. The most common application is metallurgical. Heat treatments are also used in the manufacture of many other materials, such as glass. Heat treatment… … Wikipedia